My Life as a Naturopathy Student

Hello friends! I hope you’re all doing lovely today! Some of you have asked me about my naturopathy studies and how that’s going, so I thought I would write about that today!

Wikipedia has a really great discussion of the history of naturopathy, which actually started thousands of years ago from the teachings of some of the ancient Greeks. In essence, naturopathy is a form of alternative medicine which focuses on natural practices and self-healing. It also encompasses homeopathy, herbalism, and acupuncture, as well as diet and lifestyle counselling.

I decided to study naturopathy and become a naturopath for two big reasons. First, I love people and want to help those in need get better. Second, I have always been attracted to the natural side of things. I totally understand that traditional medications have their place (like in a life or death situation) but if the situation isn’t urgent we should be giving the body what it needs to heal itself.

Studying to become a naturopath is pretty intense! In essence, it’s like the training required to become a doctor, and includes a lot of the same curriculum. It’s sometimes hard to stay healthy with things so busy and I find myself cutting corners, which is sort of ironic given the area of my studies! 🙂

I am due to finish my studies pretty soon, and am super excited about starting my practice. My mom has some friends with established naturopathy practices and I have an opportunity to work with them and learn from them, which will be perfect for starting out!

What is your passion? I would love to hear from you!

Until next time, wishing you health and happiness!

– Estelle 🙂